
Thursday 17 January 2019

A couple of trips to the River Tees, including a pb!

Starting off earlier in the week, I managed to get out for a couple of hours one night in search of chub. The river is very low at present, but presenting a chunk of raw steak saw me hook two chub, unfortunately landing just one, but a decent 4lber which is always good.

Despite the freezing conditions and snow blizzards, I also managed a few hours today during daytime, and decided I would try and break my perch issue (that being that I always struggle to get decent perch). Fishing the lower tees using feeder and worm, it wasn't long until the rod was pulling round to a perch of over a pound. A very good start. Bites were slow and finicky, and I think the fish were taking in the bait and not really moving. I ended up striking at what I suspected was a fish, and the rod bent over to the plod of something pretty decent. Shortly after, I had a wonderful fish in the net, resulting in an excellent start to 2019 as I bagged a pb of 2lb 4oz. 

Shortly after, another fish fell, similar size to the first, and then that was it. I walked home a happy man though, thinking about the fact that, despite the tees being a rock hard venue, it has done me some very special fish over the years and people do really underestimate its potential. 



  1. Congratulations on the new PB, got to love a big perch - and that last photo is a stunner.

  2. Fantastic fishing James! Best of luck for the remainder of the season.
