Saturday, 28 September 2013

A Morning on the River

Driving in the dark and misty country lanes this morning, I nearly got lost it was so thick. Eventually I rolled up to the spot at 6am and quietly walked through the woods, and the cold mist and an owl put the shivers up me. I stumbledy way down to the first peg, not being able to see the water much, I noted that the inside wasn't moving much but the flow kicked in two rod lengths out. A float fished sardine was flicked to this bit, whilst I sat back and awaited dawn. 
The float lifted, dipped than shot off to the middle, stripping line. Big pike I thought! But the fight felt otherwise, and I soon netted a good chub, a tees pb for me at 4lb 10oz, with a whole sardine down its throat!

I could now make out what I was fishing in, and it turned out to be streamer weed in 6 inche of water! Time for a move.
The next peg saw me fishing a roach deadbait, paternoster style in mid water, so the bait wafted in the current. I was contemplating packing up, when the float was suddenly gone! I hit into solid resistance, a definite pike. And exciting minute or so ended abruptly when me and the fish parted company. I was guttered. Absolutely guttered. 
No more action after that, and I stumbled back up the bank happy, but deflated. It's almost the official pike season, and I'm determined to get some action soon.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Cheese paste

I've just knocked up a batch of cheespaste for the winter chubbing. Absolutely stinks! Should work a treat...
People do it differently, I tend to use dry stinky cheese, short crust pastry and garlic powder, with a knob of butter to soften it. Works a treat for me when balanced on the hook with bread crust!

Ready for the freezer

Be interested to know how others do it?