Sunday, 8 February 2015

First trip on the river wear

Living in the north east, I tend to fish the river tees or Swale, which offers an excellent variety of species to go at. The rivers further north, i.e. the Tyne and Wear tend to be classed in the 'game fishing' category, and offer excellent sea trout and salmon sport. However, the last few years I have heard excellent reports of coarse fishing on the river wear, for chub, dace and more recently, barbel. 

Subs paid, and this morning I was walking the hard frosty ground in search of a river wear chub. The river was low, clear (although I'm told the wear tends to run clear because of the rocks it percolates through) and sun was bright. I had feeder tactics, but failed to catch on the usual baits. I was shooting myself in the foot slightly, and wishing I had some stick floats and two pints of maggots. 

I've had a taste of the river, and like the feel of it. Expect some future catch reports (hopefully!).


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    1. Thanks Steve, I considered Chester le street but was put off by the price. A 7lb chub would be incredible, but I'll start my target at a 6lber! I've heard it has some clonkers in and that's the main reason I'm on there.

      Feel free to drop me a PM showing where those 7's are!!!!
